How to search [Surf] on Google for Particular Stuff in Smart way? - Royal News24

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Saturday, 31 March 2018

How to search [Surf] on Google for Particular Stuff in Smart way?

Making Internet preview more powerful.

how to search on Google in smart way?


      Internet is an indivisible part of life. Usually we all surf on Internet, we like to surf , we need to surf or it is important . But we surf on Internet on our daily basis.
         Internet surfing is easy and affordable too. Internet service providers provide Internet service to all of and we all use it with a great joy. But sometimes when using internet we can face some difficult situations. Sometimes when we want to find an URL we usually do some silly mistakes. To enjoy internet surfing we must avoid such mistakes. Here is a document which would help you to improve your internet surfing.

 ·         Following are some points :- 

1.       Adding + ( plus ) sign.-
       Adding plus sign to Google it any search engine    tells that the particular word is included in the  sentence or URL. Adding minus sign ( - ) suggests that the particular word is being cut from the particular search sentence.
 2.       Adding a star ( * ) –
     When we are searching for any sentence of song or anything else and we forget one of it's letter then we can add a star in place of that particular letter. And it works! 

 3.       Searching for two things at a time –
     While searching for two similar things at a time then we can add “or” and while searching for two different things we can use “and”.  

  4.       Searching for a particular file type –
        While searching for particular file type like PDF ,    EXCEL SPREADSHEET or POWERPOINT we can write “filetype – PDF” ,” file type – xlsx” and “filetype – ppt” respectively.   
 Happy surfing.
